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Research fellow, Monash University

Dr Changlong Wang is a research fellow at Monash University, a Climate Future Fellow at the University of Melbourne and a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford.

Changlong played a key role in developing the Hydrogen and Green Steel Economic Fairways Mapper, a joint initiative between Geoscience Australia and Monash University, to support Australia's National Hydrogen Strategy. The project team received the Australian Eureka Prize for Innovative Research in Sustainability in 2023.

Changlong leads the South Australian green iron supply chain study in collaboration with the Port of Rotterdam for the South Australian government. Changlong also represents Australia on multiple IEA Hydrogen TCP tasks. He is currently co-leading a new IEA TCP task proposal with international experts on "Hydrogen for Iron/Steelmaking".

Changlong holds a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours from the Australian National University and a PhD from the University of Melbourne.


  • 2021–present
    Research fellow, Monash University
  • 2015–present
    Research fellow, University of Melbourne


AIE postgraduate award

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