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Articles on DeepMind

Displaying 1 - 20 of 21 articles

Figuring out what makes some proteins glow requires an understanding of chemistry. eLife - the journal

A celebrated AI has learned a new trick: How to do chemistry

The AI AlphaFold can figure out the three-dimensional protein structure any string of amino acids will become. It has now exceeded its training by figuring out what makes some proteins glow.
One down, two to go: Google’s artificial intelligence program AlphaGo wins the first game of Go against Chinese grandmaster player Ke Jie, in May 2017. EPA/Wu Hong

No more playing games: AlphaGo AI to tackle some real world challenges

The artificial intelligence that beat a world master at the game of Go is now to be directed at more complex global problems. So what can we expect?
Artificial intelligence can bring many benefits to human gamers. Sam Jordan Belanger

Computers to humans: Shall we play a game?

Twenty years after Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov at chess, artificial intelligence can make games more fun, and perhaps even endlessly enjoyable, if it learns to adapt.
Go is a beautiful and complex game that’s endured for thousands of years. Alexandre Keledjian

Explainer: Go and the ‘conversation of hands’

An artificial intelligence has defeated a world champion of Go, the ancient Chinese strategy game. But what is Go, and why is it worth teaching to a computer?

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