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Penn State

Penn State is a multi-campus public research university that educates students from Pennsylvania, the nation and the world. It improves the well-being and health of individuals and communities through integrated programs of teaching, research, and service.


Displaying 701 - 705 of 705 articles

Firefighters, rangers and officials have been fighting the fire for 12 days. Noah Berger/EPA

We set the fuel for the Rim Fire, climate change lit the match

The frequency of large wildfires in the western US have been increasing over the past several decades. The Rim Fire, currently threatening the Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite National Park, is an example…
The last 10 years have seen three of the seven biggest earthquakes ever recorded. Tubbi/Wikimedia Commons

Are we living through an earthquake cluster?

Since the 2004 Sumatra earthquake, there have been several major events, and a large number of magnitude-8 earthquakes – a cluster, it could be said, of large earthquakes. The last time we saw this was…


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