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Charles Darwin University

Charles Darwin University is the only Australian university to offer the full spectrum of education options from senior secondary, through to Vocational Education and Training, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. As the largest tertiary institution in the Northern Territory, CDU offers a fresh approach to education, training, research and knowledge application.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 366 articles

NSW government/AAP

‘Too small and carefree’: endangered animals released into the wild may lack the match-fitness to evade predators

Woylies bred in wildlife havens were smaller and less flighty than their counterparts in the wild. This could jeopardise the success of repopulation programs.
Market fires cause significant upheavals in the heavily informal Ghanaian economy. Wikimedia Commons

Accra’s market fires are devastating to informal traders - but they don’t trust or understand what they’re being told about managing risk

Fire risk communication strategies must not only be supported by formal institutions such as government agencies but also be rooted in and sensitive to each market’s socio-cultural dynamics.
Ada banyak semut yang hidup di Bumi.

Berapa jumlah semut di dunia? Ini jawaban peneliti: 20 kuadriliun

Semut adalah makhluk kecil yang menguasai dunia. Jadi, para peneliti memutuskan untuk menghitung jumlah semua semut di Bumi.
Para pelajar SMA Negeri I Kupang, NTT mengikuti kegiatan belajar mengajar yang kini dimulai pukul 05.30 WITA. (ANTARA FOTO/Kornelis Kaha)

Masuk kelas jam 5 pagi: kebijakan yang mengabaikan riset tentang jam tidur layak remaja dan jadwal sekolah yang ideal

Para ahli sepakat bahwa jam masuk sekolah SMA yang ideal minimal pukul 8.30. Bahkan, di Inggris, menggeser waktu masuk sekolah ke jam 10.00 pagi dapat meningkatkan kualitas belajar siswa sebesar 12%.
Cedric VT/Unsplash

Herding cats: councils’ efforts to protect wildlife from roaming pets are hampered by state laws

One-third of local councils have rules to stop pet cats roaming because of their major impacts on wildlife. More councils want to get on board but many are hampered by state laws.


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