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University of Southampton

The University of Southampton is a public research university located in Southampton, United Kingdom and is a founding member of the Russell Group. It is a member of the European University Association, the Association of Commonwealth Universities and is an accredited institution of the Worldwide Universities Network. Southampton is systematically ranked in the top 15 of British universities and in the best 100 universities in the world. Besides being recognised as one of the leading research universities in the UK, Southampton has also achieved consistently high scores for its teaching and learning activities. It additionally has one of the highest proportions of income derived from research activities in Britain.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 659 articles


Ke mana sampah kita pergi?

Sampah dapat digunakan kembali atau didaur ulang - atau mungkin berakhir di tempat pembuangan sampah.
L'archevêque de Canterbury Justin Welby place la couronne de Saint Édouard sur la tête du roi Charles III de Grande-Bretagne lors de la cérémonie de couronnement à l'intérieur de l'abbaye de Westminster, dans le centre de Londres, le 6 mai 2023. Victoria Jones/AFP

Are French and English secularist traditions that far apart?

On several counts, England is now on its way to becoming a secularist society. Nevertheless, there remain cultural differences that prevent it from embracing the French principle of “laïcité”.
L'archevêque de Canterbury Justin Welby place la couronne de Saint Édouard sur la tête du roi Charles III de Grande-Bretagne lors de la cérémonie de couronnement à l'intérieur de l'abbaye de Westminster, dans le centre de Londres, le 6 mai 2023. Victoria Jones/AFP

La laïcité à l’anglaise : autre pays, autres mœurs ?

Le Royaume-Uni est devenu une société séculière, mais sans avoir adopté le principe français de la laïcité. Qu'est-ce qui le distingue ?
Análise nos anéis de otólitos nos ouvidos dos peixes permite medir a quantidade de energia que eles usaram quando vivos. O aumento da temperatura força as espécies a se adaptarem, mudarem para outro lugar ou morrerem. Dolores M. Harvey/Shutterstock

Pedras nos ouvidos dos peixes marcam o tempo como anéis de árvores. E agora nos ensinam sobre mudanças climáticas

Nova técnica para decodificar os produtos químicos nas pedras nas orelhas dos peixes medem a quantidade de energia que eles usaram quando vivos


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